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12 Closets of 🎄: Day 12 The Glam Closet


On the 12th and final day of the 12 closets of Christmas, we discuss the Glam Closet!

I saved this closet for last because I call it the Christmas tree🎄

glam closet

When I collaborated with this client on the glam closet layout, he requested extensive lighting. Initially, I tried to dissuade him, but ultimately, we installed all the lighting—and you know what? It looks fabulous! I'm glad the client held firm because we zoned the lighting, enabling him to select different settings for the lights he prefers to have on.

lighting in closet

glam closet design

lighting in a primary closet

closet hardware

Let's recap the last 11 days:

And on the 12th and final day of the 12 Closet Accessories of Christmas in 2020, I shared The Symphony Wall Organizer. At the time I worked for Cali Closets and they called it the Maddox, which is the name on the instagram post.

I hope you enjoyed the 12 closets of Christmas.

Thank you for stopping by!

Andrea Litsch Dallas Closet Designer


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